Monday, May 31, 2010

here's to hoping/coping



Mun pitää kirjottaa nää tekstiosuudet nyt aika pikasesti, kun huomenna alkaa kesätyöt ja pitäis saada ees vähän nukuttua etten oo siellä ihan unessa! :D Mulla on koneella pari julkaisematonta asua viime viikolta, joten tässä ne nyt tulee. Aattelin muuten pitkästä aikaa kirjottaa ei-kirjakielellä, koska siltä musta nyt vaan tuntuu. :) Sanokaa onko tää ihan kamalaa luettavaa? Kirjakielen käyttö tuntuu vaan niin viralliselta ja tylsältä.. Mitä en ehkä haluis mun blogin olevan. :D
Asu nro 1.
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♥ hame: GT
♥ bolero: Tokmanni
♥ toppi, rannekoru & sormus: H&M
♥ laukku: Citymarket
♥ panta: Seppälä
♥ helmet: ite tehty
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Kinkkua. :---)) Pinkkien sukkisten päällä siis verkkosukkikset.
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Asu nro 2. Tästä ekasta kuvasta puuttuu korkkarit jotka mulla oli jalassa, koska otin kuvan kiireessä ennen koulua. Omistan ihan luvattoman vähän korkkareita, vaikka omistankin jotkut kolmetkymmenet kengät, joten niitä pitäis pikasesti löytää lissee, mahd. edullisesti, tietty.
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♥ t-paita: Carlings
♥ pillit: H&M, ite revitty
♥ korkkarit: Fiorella
♥ panta: Seppälä
♥ korvikset: H&M
♥ niittirannekkeet: sieltä täältä
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Tykkäsin tästä niittiröykkiöstä kovasti, pitäis laittaa useemmin noi keikki kerralla. :) Vaikka tosta kyllä puuttu yks.
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Asu nro 3 on viime perjantailta, jolloin mulla alko kesäloma, jee! Oli pienimuotonen kevätjuhla, ja leuka tippu siellä lattiaan kun sain kuulla että sain taas stipendin! Tokaa kertaa putkeen! Tuli siis aika yllärinä, mutta kivana sellasena. :D Ja tietty raha aina kelpaa. ;) Iskä sano että pitäähän sun saada sitten kolmannellakin kauppisvuodella sellanen, yeah right. Niin mutta tässä se asu.
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♥ mekko: Sisters Point (Aleksi 13)
♥ bolero: Vero Moda
♥ korkkarit: Fiorella
♥ laukku: äidin vanha
♥ sulkapinnit: H&M
♥ rannekello: Leijona
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Piti laittaa bolero mekon päälle, kun oli niin kamalan kylmä päivä, mutta onneks se sopi mekkoon ja muuhun asuun hyvin. :) Laitoin myös kaulakorun tilalle toisen Allulta saamistani sulkapinneistä, näissä kuvissa hiukset on kyllä vähän liikaa sen tiellä.
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Taas toisten sukkisten alla pinkit sukkikset..
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Olin tuossa asussa samana päivänä myös veljeni valmistujaisjuhlissa. Otin kuitenkin boleron ja pinkit sukkikset pois, koska arvelin että pienestä talostamme tulisi vieraiden saavuttua kuin sauna, ja olin ihan oikeassa. Vaihdoin toisen sulkapinnin tilalle sydänkaulakorun.
Veljeni valmistui siis levyseppähitsaajaksi, ja pidimme aika pienet juhlat, vieraita oli vain yheksän. Silti oli tiivis tunnelma, ja ihan mukavat juhlat. :) Näin mm. yhtä serkkuani pitkästä aikaa kunnolla, ja tuli myös puhuta mummollekin jotain, mikä on aika harvinaista. :D Toivon vaan että leipomani mokkapalat  ja muffinsit maistuivat. Hyviltä siis.
En muuten minäkään jäänyt ihan ilman lahjoja, koska äitini ja iskäni olivat käyneet ostamassa mulle tämän aivan ihastuttavan Hello Kitty mukin, jota oon ihaillu jo monta kertaa. ♥ Vähän vaihtelua muumimukeihini. :)
Sain lahjan myös kaveriltani Allulta, mutta ite oon kamala ystävä kun en löytäny koulujen loppuun mennessä hänelle mitään kivaa lahjaa. :( Lupasin kyllä hommata sellasen myöhemmin! Allulta siis sain Hello Kitty -suklaata, vähänkö söpön näkönen kääre! Jotkut saattaa tässä vaiheessa ihmetellä tuota lahjaa, koska oon ollu melkein neljä vuotta karkkilakossa, mutta syy lahjaan on se, että Allu näköjään yrittää kannustaa mua lopettamaan sen lakon. :D Oon nimittäin puhunu että saattaisin sen lopettaa 30.6, jolloin on neljä vuotta täynnä! Saa nähä. :---)
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Haha, en voinu olla vähän nauramatta nähtyäni mitä Allu oli suklaan lisäksi hankkinu, nimittäin tämän Robsessed-DVD:n. XD Katsoinkin sen tänään. ;)
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Apua, melkein jänskättää jo nyt kun on enää yks vuos kauppista jälellä! Mitäs mä sitten teen?! Vielä ei oo hajuakaan. Kolmosella saattais vaikka toteutua mun haave työssäoppimisesta ulkomailla, ja näillä näkymin maa ois Englanti, jos siis ees lähen mihinkää. Hui!
Tällä hetkellä jännittää kuitenkin vielä enemmän se tosiasia, että oon töissä kymmenen tunnin päästä (ellen sitten nuku pommiin, mikä on erittäin todennäköstä kun tänäänkin nukuin puol yhteen kun veli soitti..). Eväät on tehty ja asu katottu, vielä pitäis saada rohkeutta ja pitkäjänteisyyttä etten lopeta heti ekana päivänä.. Jotkut saattaakin muistaa että meen siis myymään lehtiä puhelimen välityksellä, enkä oo ainakaan tässä vaiheessa ihan vakuuttunu että musta on siihen työhön. :--D No mut huomenna sen näkee, nyt vaan rukoilen että jaksaisin siellä kesäkuun, koska muuten en saa rahaa mistään, mikä on huonompi homma. Wish me luck!

Öitä kaikille jotka datailee tähän aikaan, ite yritän kohta saada unta.

Q&A Session, Sydney

What a day. That is all i have to say, i have been trying to write reports and ID her outfit all day. We're at that stage of the year where the majority of Kristen's outfits will be from the fall 2010 lines. We *may* even see some Cruise 2011 in there depending on her personal choices in clothing. There may be an issue with getting a hold of some defaults as some of the clothing she is wearing may not be available yet. Yes I've said it many time and I'll say it again, the advantages of being Kristen Stewart. Now on with the outfit.

Never in my whole life has a skirt caused me so much annoyance. Seriously that skirt is absolutely fabulous but trying to ID that skirt is a nightmare. My first thought was Balenciaga, Elizabeth and James or Versace. I've been sitting all day trying to finish the huge mass of work i have to complete by tomorrow and Kristen's skirt keeps distracting me. After a few hours it was discovered to be by Jenni Kanye and is a modification of a longer skirt from her spring summer collection (thank you to @kstewartnews for confirming this via Jenny Kanyes twitter). Lets talk about the outfit as a whole, i loved it. Did you? If you actually read what i write both here and on twitter you will know that i absolutely adore yellow so when this skirt (even though it annoyed me all afternoon) appeared i was blissful. I love the structured back of the skirt, despite the skirt being bright yellow leather with a large side zip it almost adds a feminine touch to something that is slightly edgy. Her tee is by Market, she has been wearing alot of their t-shirts since March and guess what? It's only $32 here is the link if you want to snag yourself one before they all sell out : This tee complimented her skirt beautifully, i think if she had chosen a dark black one it may have made the look too dramatic so the charcoal grey suits perfectly. Her shoes are from the Sergio Rossi Fall collection and i took this picture from the press room section of his website, if you scroll along to the lace up ankle booties you can download the picture. Here is the link for anyone who wants to browse the website: i love the shoes and Kristen wears Sergio Rossi so well, it seems to be one of her favourite shoe brands as it has been popping up frequently since New Moon promotion. I'm glad to see the return of her Seiko watch its been absent for a little while along with the rest of her rings. I loved this whole look it was bright and i really want Kristen to bring in more pops of colour throughout this press tour. Also did anyone else think she looked fresh faced? Loving the side ponytail as well, a fantastic way to kick off the promotion tour steeze.

Jenni Kanye Spring/Summer Collection Yellow Leather Mini Skirt with Structured Back (Modified for Kristen into a mini skirt)

Market 'Bridgette' Tee

Buy this t-shirt here:

Sergio Rossi Fall 2010 Black Leather Lace Up Ankle Booties

Seiko Watch

All pictures taken from Twitter, markets website, sergio rossis website, coolspotters and kstewartfans and belong to their original owners.

*So a fab way to kick off the promo tour outfits, what did you think? Next stop Korea! I'll meet you there ;)*

Sunday, May 30, 2010

give up on love or die trying?

scarleth white

Love is something wonderful, so they say. And I've trusted them, until right now.

How come I haven't experienced what everyone's talking about? "It comes when it comes," my very-much-in-love-friend said with a smile. "I didn't search for it, it came to me." She flashed another smile. Those two sentences felt like a knife through my chest. So, I'm just supposed to wait? I don't want to wait no more. I've been waiting and searching for almost 19 long years. I want to be able to feel, touch and taste the "love" that is supposed to be out there. Because love, that is what I've answered when people ask what I think life is all about. But now I don't know anymore. Because I can't keep hoping, waiting and praying for it to appear forever. Because then I will die without having to experience life, since the whole meaning with life is just that- love. It hurts for me to realise that love is all around me but somehow I'm not even allowed to have a tiny, small piece.

Should I give up on love, or die trying?


Kristen to go 'On The Road' a look at 1940s -1950s Fashion

*This post is dedicated to one of my followers, i can not find your tweet but you sent me a picture of a 1950s look and asked if i was doing this. Here is is and it's for you let me know if you liked it.*

Kristen Stewart is set to begin filming 'On The Road' this August a film based on the novel of the same name by Jack Kerouac. The film will see her playing the role of Mary Lou a rather sexually driven character. This is a different role for Kristen and will see her play a more mature and sexual character, i personally am excited to see her in this role as i believe it will be the role that will take the Twilight label off her. Twilight is a huge part of her life but it isn't the best acting role we have seen her play and i feel this role will allow fans who are mainly aware of her for Twilight to see her for the true talented actress she is.

“Marylou was a pretty blonde with immense ringlets of hair like a sea of golden tresses; she sat there on the edge of the couch with her hands hanging in her lap and her smoky blue country eyes fixed in a wide stare because she was in an evil gray New York pad that she’d heard about back West, and waiting like a longbodied emaciated Modigliani surrealist woman in a serious room. But, outside of being a sweet little girl, she was awfully dumb and capable of doing terrible things.”
- On The Road

The narrative is dated at 1947 and the book was written and published in the 1950s making this the era of fashion for the movie. This is probably one of the reasons i am excited for this movie, the fashion. 1950s fashion is perhaps one of my favourite fashion eras and to see my favourite star in this kind of clothing........ i simply have no words. Kristen has never really starred in a more period piece of work so for my readers who are not familiar with this era of fashion this post is dedicated to taking a look back and looking at potential looks for the movie. The character i believe will have a more beat up look through out but this is just general overview of the fashion era for you to look at. I see her in more casual clothing from this time, maybe more beat up dresses but given that her character is seductive you never know.


The late forties was an era in time where the country was moving in a different fashion direction after the recovery of the war. Glamour returned with Dior single handedly bringing an end to the war time clothing with the christening of a new look. Knee length skirts, draped dresses, clinched waists, emphasised bust lines and padded hips became a key feature in clothing. Pencil skirts also became an alternative to full bodied skirts.

Christian Dior Fall 1948

Late 1940s Pattern Drafting Book

Full Knee Length Skirts and Clinched Waists all key Features of the Late 1940s Fashion Era


Gloves were a key feature to women's clothing and a women were not properly accessorised without gloves to finish their look. Gloves were either cotton, sometimes chiffon and leather for those who could afford them.

Late 1940s Glove Styles

The shoes of this era were often very high with rounded or peep toes. By mid 1950 we saw pointed toe shoes become more popular with some standing at 5 inches tall.

Late 1940s Shoe Advert

Balenciaga were first to show the 'pillbox' hat which became the hat of the 50s and later the hat of the 60s. It featured veil which covered part of the face giving way to the 'new look' glamour.

Hat featuring Veil Cover

Hats and Hairstyles of 1947

From Vintage Vogue Issue

*I hope this helped, i am ridiculously excited for filming to begin to see how they dress Kristen. I have not yet read the book but i plan to do so this summer before filming to get a better grasp on the character as a whole. This is just a general report on this fashion era during filming i may post a more detailed one.*

All pictures taken from and are property of their original owners.