Mike Oncley
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
pick me
You have always been ambitious and i love that about you. Your only 20 but you have already started up your own business and it is doing so well, i couldn't be more proud to call you my boyfriend. and you know that, i helped you set it up. i came up with the name , and i did all the design and advertising for it.
i understand owning your own business , especially when your so young is stressful and you have to work a lot, i try and make it easier for you by helping out as much as i can. i make dinner for you , do your washing and clean your house when you've been too busy .. the list goes on and on.
But one thing that upsets me , is that sometimes you work when you don't have too.. Your mum calls you a workaholic , and id agree. although i didn't think it was a bad thing. Until i started feeling less and less important. and realised that in the last 6 months , Ive been finding myself up the mountain, staring at the ocean alone, our little place we used to go every week at least once and walk the dogs.
Ive told you about this, we have even had fights over it. How your work always comes first and how i always have to wait till everything is done before i even get a "hey babe how are you'. But you always say sorry and tell me you don't mean too and your gonna start leaving work related issues behind when the doors close at 5 o'clock. i always believe you, cause i love you and i want to take your word for it.
But then things like tonight happen : i ask if you would like to have dinner with me and my parents at 7. you say yes although you have a few things to do before hand but you'll be there.. great, I'm excited.
its then 7 and your not here, i call you and you say your still working and you'll be another hour, but your so sorry and you'll make it up to me.
its now 8.53 and your still not here. Me and my parents have already eaten. i go to call you to ask where the hell you are. and my mum tells me to stop nagging you, your busy and you'll come when your ready.
Why is it OK for you to always let me down and put work before me . Why doesn't everyone else see how frustrating it is to have to fight for your own boyfriends attention .
i love you , but just once i want you to forget about work and dedicate one night to me. i don't think its too much to ask.
is it?
Please, pick me. i'm tired of waiting.
♥ Claud
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Who Wore It Better?
Kristen was pictured in her Juicy Couture Tony Military Hooded Coat at both Sundance 2010 and most recently in Argentina. I asked which of the two you would prefer to be in this poll and Sundance seemed to win. The coat features a drawstring hood and hem, a double-breasted button up front and a flapped pockets. Katie Holmes has also been pictured wearing this coat.
Who do you think wore it better?
Vote Below
Kristen Stewart
Katie Holmes
Credits: ssense.com, justjared and kstewartfans
With John in Argentina
Kristen was again sighted in Argentina with her assistant John leaving what appears to be a restaurant. It appears to be snowing over in Argentina during Kristen’s visit.
Kristen wore a Juicy Couture Tony Military Hood Coat which she has previously worn at Sundance 2010, see the entry Here. This coat unfortunately is currently unavailable to purchase due to it being part of the Fall 2009 collection. Kristen pairs her coat with her favourite MATS ‘Black Jacks My Name’ Tee, some skinny jeans, a plaid shirt and her EC Star ‘Nuns With Guns Hoodie’. She finishes off the look with some Burberry High Weather Lace Up Boots previously worn at LAX on November 15th 2009, view that entry Here.
Juicy Couture Tony Military Hood Coat
Previously worn at Sundance 2010
Burberry High Weather Lace Up Boots
Previously worn at LAX, November 15th 2009
Pictures from ssense.com, polyvore.com, KstewRobFans and kstewartfans
Argentina Airport
Kristen was pictured at an airport in Argentina with her ‘On the Road’ co-stars Sam Riley and Garrett Hedlund. She is wearing her DOE ‘I heart Staches’ V-Neck Tee which she has previously worn twice last year. Once during a photoshoot (some of the photos were used as a backdrop for her recent Elle US photoshoot) and leaving the Chateau Marmont on August 6th last year. I’ve attached pictures of both since i have covered neither look. She wears her Oliver Peoples Pierson Spring 2010 Collection Wayfarer sunglasses, follow Oliver Peoples Here. Kristen carries her favourite Nike All Access Lair Backpack. More pictures came out showing Kristen wearing her Woolrich Women's Buffalo Check Flannel Shirt which you can purchase Here for $49. Kristen brought out her white Vans Classic Slip On Sneakers which you can purchase Here for $42, she has previously worn these sneakers in Toronto 2007, late 2008 and summer 2009. BDG Black Crackle Drain Pipe Jeans complete this look and have been previously worn in throughout the last year, I've attached some below.
DOE ‘I heart Staches’ V-Neck Tee
Previously featured in Elle US and leaving Chateau Marmont August 6th 2009
Oliver Peoples Pierson S/S 2010 Collection Wayfarer sunglasses
Nike All Access Lair Backpack
Woolrich Women's Buffalo Check Flannel Shirt
Vans Classic Slip On Sneakers
Previously worn in 2007, 2008 and 2009
BDG Black Crackle Drain Pipe Jeans
Previously worn 2009/2010
Pictures via KStewsTwins,socialitelife, woolrich.com, vans.com, 500daysofrk.tumblr.com, women.fashionbeans.com and oliverpeoples.com
Friday, August 27, 2010
wondering if it is worth it.
I try so hard not to give up on love. I see it all around me and all of my close friends have felt it, except for me. I used to have hope that one day it would be my turn, after all I am only 18. But every time I am presented with the possibility of love I freeze, and completely screw it up. I push it away before it gets too intense, I convince myself that I'm only going to get hurt and what's the point? I wont end up marrying this person, or probably even dating them for that long so why risk hurting myself. This summer I finally decided to take a risk and talk to this guy that I met briefly at school. We immediately hit it off, and kept in close contact the two weeks I went away on vacation. I was so thrilled and excited and ready to take a risk and let myself get hurt because I thought this time would be worth it and maybe I wouldn't get hurt for awhile or maybe not at all. I came back from my trip and immediately went out with him.
It was the best date i'd ever been on, I felt comfortable with him and wasn't scared or nervous about what was going to happen. After the date I was flooded with so many emotions I had never felt before, I was nervous and excited in a good way and couldn't wait to see him again. However, after the date all contact between us was forced and it seemed like he was blowing me off. I was completely flabbergasted, how could he be blowing me off after we talked everyday for two weeks and had this incredible date? Am I young and naive in thinking it was more than it really was? I tried to keep in contact because I didn't want this one to get away, I had let him in unlike anyone else before and didn't want to let him go.
It's been a couple weeks, we have barely spoken and any communicating is contrived and strange. I have given up, if he doesn't want to speak to me why should I speak to him? Any courage that I gained from the beginning of this relationship I have lost completely. I can't help but think, how is this fair? I actually risked my feelings for this person and where was my reward? Finally I am the one who tried my hardest to make it work, and I end up the one alone. Any hope that I have left for love is almost gone. Friends keep telling me that one day I'll find someone. Some how I don't believe it. Not everyone falls in love, not everyone gets married, who is to say that it'll ever happen for me? I was once told that if I want it to happen for me it will. But how can it when I try so hard to make it happen and it still doesn't?
I'm trying to remain confident and hopeful because the idea of love is all that keeps me going, I'm holding onto the idea of love being bigger than anything in the whole world and that it will completely change my life. But at the same time the thought of it barely slipping out of my grasp hurts so badly. Love to me is like a double edged sword and I am constantly wondering if it is worth it.
- S