weheartit + ffffound
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
i still love you, damn it.
It happened two weeks ago, yet it seems like it happened just yesterday. I had planned to propose moving in together in two weeks, but before I could do that, you left me. Never before have I been hurt that bad. I can't fall asleep anymore, I find it so damn difficult to concentrate on anything.
For the first four or so days I was shocked. I wondered if you ever really loved me. We were together for two years, yet you dumped my by sending me a letter. Yes, a damned letter. I should be angry, I should be furious. I want to be mad at you. But I simply can't. I keep wishing for a bloody time machine so I could just roll back everything we've done and said to each other. I just want you back - I still love you.
I try to think of everything bad that happened between us - I try to cling onto all the bad memories that we shared. And then I suddenly realise - I even miss those. I miss all our fights, I miss how we used to kiss and make up. I wanted to propose to you, I wanted to grow old together. I wanted to give you my life and in exchange I only asked for your love.
The day before yesterday was Christmas Eve. I spent it alone. If things were different, we would have celebrated our decision to move in together that night. But things weren't different. I just can't stand it anymore.
I promised to love you forever, no matter how naive that sounds. And I was going to hold up to that promise. And no matter what - I still will.
I still love you, damn it.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
it scares me
I guess one could say that I’m scared.
1) I’m scared of loving and getting hurt.
2) I’m scared of losing my independence.
3) I’m scared of new things and the unknown. Like having a boyfriend.
1) There are few things I truly love in this life. My mother and father, my two brothers, my best friend, music, and good food. Those are my true loves. I know that none of these objects of my affection would ever hurt me.There have been a couple of times in my life when a guy has shown real interest in me and I’ve turned him down due to the fear of being put in a vulnerable position. The single time I really, really liked a guy, he just lead me on and ended up making me feel like shit through many douche-y acts. If I wasn’t concerned enough before about this whole love dealio, I certainly was after that idiot came and left my life. The question that’s been asked millions of times before: is love worth all of the pain that will most likely spawn from it? Sure, everything is rosey and sugar-coated at the beginning, but what happens after the honeymoon phase subsides?
2) I’m almost 19. I’ve never been one of those boy-crazed girls. Never really worried about relationships and all of that. But now that there’s another chance for me to get close to a guy, I’m scared of losing my independence. It’s not like I’m a promiscuous girl… that’s the last thing anyone would call me. I’m scared of losing the strength I have as an individual. Where I am now, I feel confident about myself and my abilities, and I’m so scared of putting myself in a position where someone could possibly make me doubt myself. Should I put that on the line just to possibly fall in love?
3) New experiences are scary. The first time I sang alone on stage I was literally about to wet myself. The first time I went on a date, I thought I was going to hyperventilate. The first time I was kissed, the world seemed to tip over and I felt completely out of control – and not really in a good way. Starting a relationship with a guy is completely unknown territory for me. I wouldn’t know how to act, what to do. I don’t even know if I’d be willing to kiss and be kissed at random intervals throughout the day. These are MY lips. I’m scared of being seen, with no make-up on, in harsh daylight. I’m scared of not always smelling good and not always being in peak physical condition. I’m scared of any guy touching me in a way that I haven't been touched before. I’m scared of having to play a part that I don’t know how to play, because all I can be is myself and myself is not a girlfriend.
I try and justify the possibility of turning him down by telling myself that if it takes this much thought, it’s not meant to be. But not every romance begins with love at first sight. Not every couple started out on ideal terms. Yet… I don’t know what to do. The easy thing would be to simply continue doing what I’ve been doing my whole life – nothing. Or I could put everything on the line and just go for it.
I’m not even in love and I’ve just given up hours of sleep to write about it. This worries me. It scares me.
Ite vietin ihan perinteisen joulun, eli perheen kesken kotona. Kuusen koristelin jo edellisenä päivänä, joten aattona ei ollu mitään varsinaista ohjelmaa. Söin vaan koko päivän suklaata, katoin Simpsoneitten uusintojen uusintojen uusintoja, ja rentouduin. Illalla oli vuorossa joulusauna, ja ai että oli mukavaa saunoo uudessa saunassa, jonka iskä remontoi. :) Halusin säästää ekan saunomiskerran just aattoon. :D
Joulukynteni, eli punasta lakkaa jonka päällä kultasta glitterlakkaa. =)
Saunan jälkeen jaettiin lahjat. Koirat on aina lahjojen jaon aikaan ihan sekasin, oottavat vaan omia pakettejaan aukastavaks. :D Mömmö myös aina vahtii lahjapusseja, ettei kukaan vaan vie niitä. =D
Tykkään siitä että joulu on menny oikeestaan aina melkein samalla kaavalla, ja että koristellaan meiän talo vanhoilla joulukoristeilla. Tuikkuja, kynttilöitä ja jouluvaloja pitää olla paljon, kuten myös koristeita.
Mulla ei oo ollu ainakaan neljään jouluun suklaakalenteria entisen karkkilakon takia, mutta tänä vuonna sain sellasen pitkästä aikaa. Sain myös jossain puolessavälissä joulukuuta ihanimman joulukalenterin ikinä, nimittäin Hello Kitty -kalenterin. ♥ Voi sitä intoo kun löysin ton 2€-alekorista, normihinta kun oli 20€!
Sisältönä oli söpöjä HK-figuureja, sormuksia ja pinssejä. :))
Lahjoista osan sain jo ennen joulua, kuten tämän Allun antaman. Suu vähän loksahti auki kun näin tän,tossahan on vaikka mitä! :D Ja kuten näette kortista, se on selviytymispakkaus Britteihin! 8)
Korin sisältöön kuulu vähän muutakin, kuten esim. suklaalevy, mutta voitte varmaan arvata sen kohtalon ennen kuvan ottamista. :D Mut tossahan oli mm. minisanakirja, laastareita, nenäliinoja, välipalapatukoita, huulirasva yms.
Lisäks tää söpö alkoholiton miniskumppa. 8--P Eihän Allu nyt välittäjäks ala.. ;)
Muitakin lahjoja riitti. Kiitos serkuille tuosta ihanasta mini Marilyn-taulusta!
Suklaata sain enemmän kuin kuvasta näkyy.
Pientä sälää..
Mummo neulo villasukat. :)
Serkuilta lisäks tää älysöpö Hello Kitty aaaaw. ♥__♥ Toivoin tollasta ja ne sit hommas, thanks!
Taustalla pehmoiset ihanat pyjamahousut.
Entinen koneeni ei suinkaan kuollut, mutta tarvitsin todella läppäriä, koska mun pitää ottaa se mukaan kun LÄHEN 3.1.2011 HUDDERSFIELDIIN ENGLANTIIN TYÖSSÄOPPIMAAN WOHOO! 8--) Oon asiasta kyllä jo kertonu, mutta en oo sitä kunnolla hehkuttanu. Ja tosiasiahan on, että lähen matkaan viikon päästä sunnuntai-iltana. Siispä panikointi voi alkaa millon vaan. XD Tää asia varmistu marraskuun alkupuolella, joten lähemmäs kaks kuukautta oon tehny valmisteluita. Niin ja mainihinko jo, että oon siellä kaks kuukautta? Lento tulee takas Suomeen 28.2, mut kotona oon 1.3. Ja oon ollu pisimmillään poissa kotoo jonkun viikon haha, enkä oo matkustellu oikeestaan ollenkaan. :---D I'm screwed.
Vielä pitäis ainakin käydä hoitaa Kelajuttuja argh, Soneralla, pakata loppuun (alotin ties miten kaun sitten.. 8)), nähä vähän tyyppejä ja toivon mukaan viettää mahti uus vuos. Ja mitähän vielä.
Lähen Englantiin siis siks, kun meen yhteen vaatekauppaan työharjotteluun. Kaupunki on Huddersfield, joka on Pohjois-Englannissa. Asun kahen muun tyypin kanssa jossain asunnossa, toinen on suomalainen jota kävin tapaamassa, ja toinen on hollantilainen. Tiiän itekin asioista vielä suhteellisen vähän, mut toivon mukaan kaikki selkeytyy. Ja toivon todella että se harjottelupaikka on mukava ja että selviisin siellä!
Eilen oli vika mahis nähä Vilua ennen matkaa, joten kinusin sinne kyydin ja menin yöks. Yökyläilystä tais muodostua kahdenkeskiset läksiäispartyt mulle, ainakin niin haluun aatella, ja oli kyllä hauskinta pitkään aikaan. :DD
Kohta lähen saunoo sinne uuteen saunaan, sitä tulee ikävä. :( Kerron ja valitan sit Englannissa et mitä kaikkee mahollista kaipaan, lista saattaa olla pitkä. XD Oonkin vitsaillu että tuun kuitenkin ekalla lennolla takas, toivottavasti se jää vaan vitsiks..
18v synttäreinä saatan olla aika apeana.
P.S. Mun työt kassaneitinä loppu tiistaina, oon aika happy, olin siellä heinäkuusta asti.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
TÄMÄ BLOGI TÄYTTI EILEN YHDEN VUODEN! ヽ(゜▽ ゜)ノ ♥ joten aihetta juhlaan on!
Tarkalleen ottaen tein blogin pari päivää ennen joulua, mutta eka postaus tuli 24. päivä. Miettii miten oon jo vuoden kirjoitellu tänne, ei nimittäin yhtää tunnu siltä. :-------D
Siitä tullaankin kuinka lookki on muuttunut tän vuoden aikana. Kattelin mun ensimmäisen blogi -merkinnän, ja vertasin tähän^ joka taas on otettu pari päivää sitte ku olin lähös porukoiden kaa Poriin. Huomaa kyl luonnonvalo vs vessavalo... (näin siel muute pari sieltä PSC-cossi ryhmästä, so much fun!) Muistan muuten vanhemmista kuvista ne hiukset viime vuodelta, tykkäsin niist tosi paljo ja ne oliki aika kivat. :---) Vois kyllä _joskus värjätä ne takas. 8´) Tosin nyt kyl himottais joko et sais tähä ruskeeseen vaaleeta, tai sitten platinablondit + jotain shokkiväriä. Omnom ekaks kuitenki pitää saada tää ruskee kuluu pois, jos en ni kyl sitte pakko alkaa värjäilee! >:--( Ja ennenku alan selittää jotain romaania hiuksista palataanpa aiheeseen. :´D
Kihartelin Jouluna muuten hieman otsatukkaa, tuli heti tyttömäisempi olo with tekoripset! Ja kiva meikki kans oli, harmi vaa ettei oo kuvaa siltä päivältä. :-------( Kuitenkin, uhosin jossain merkinnässä et pistän sen 'joululakin' Jouluna päähän, ja voi kyllä, se oli mun pääs koko päivän! 8´D Yes, i'm totally love with that. ;<
Lahjoista kirjallinen lista, kiitos koska kamera on vieläkin lomalla;
► Paaaljon suklaata, karkkia yms
► Pinkit apina pöksyt (yöhousut siis whatever u want call it)
► Paavo Pesusieni dvd
► Niko - Lentäjän poika dvd (mitenii kaikki tietää et tykkään vahdata piirrettyi? ;;o)
►Rahaaaa (euroja sekä puntaa)
Olin paketoinut itsekin lahjoja, tosin ens vuonna lupaan panostaa niihin enemmän rahallisesti. Sillä vaikka löysinkin hyvin lahjoja niin yritin säästää rahoja mahdollisimman paljon, onnistuen siinä todella hyvin.. :__D
En oikee muista oliko niit enempää, mut joka tapaukses tuli vähän lahjoja, johon on nimittäin erittäin hyvä syy.. !
On jo korkee aika ilmoittaa teille, i will go to LONDON! Oon tienny täst asiast tosi kauan, mut ainaku halusin ottaa tän puheeks täällä niin se jotenki unohtu. :: D Mut joka tapauksessa, uskon et oon jo matkalla Treen lentokentälle kun te luette tätä. ;----) Sillä lähen jo huomenna( tai tänään), jonka takia aikane herätys jonka takia pitäis olla jo nukkumas............. =D Suunnitelmat on joka tapaukses katsastaa hieman kaupunkia, tehdä tuttavuutta kauppojen kanssa ja shopata PALJON. (●´ω`●) Can´t wait~
Tosiaan, jos en ehdi tulla kertomaan mitään ennen seuraavaa vuotta, HAPPY NEW YEAR AND LITTLE LATE MERRY XMAS! ♥
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
promise me that nothing has changed
It's the holidays. I guess I never fully expected you to come home by now, but I did fully hope you would.
I think about that hot muggy July day at the downtown Milan station often. & how I cried the entire 3 hour ride back because I didn't know when I would see you again.
The pain then was unbearable. I guess you could say that it has now become bearable. That doesn't mean that I don't think about you everyday and wish that things could have been different.
I can no longer handle the 6000 mile difference. I want to be best friends that love & miss each other. And please just reassure me that I will be the first person you call when you land in L.A. Promise me that nothing has changed.
After everything that I happened, I still think about the way it was in the beginning. & Even though I'm moving on, this doesn't mean that I won't still be here once the circumstances have changed and our stars are finally aligned properly.
Know that I think about you.
Mi manchi, amore mio.
Top 5 Photoshoot Looks
Kristen had some fantastic photo spreads this year, hopefully 2011 will treat us the same and we’ll see some spreads for Kristen’s upcoming movies ‘On the Road’ and Breaking Dawn.
Below are my five favourite shoots from 2010 in order of my personal preference. Let me know what your favourite shoot from 2010 was by voting on the poll below.
Merry Christmas everyone.
I simply adored Elle UK’s spread and styling.
Despite being a small feature, this small VOGUE piece stole my heart.
I adored seeing Kristen is some of the outfits featured in the Elle US spread. The Versus dress in particular …
Flaunt was sexy and edgy featuring some stunning pieces.
The February Vanity Fair issue showed off Kristen’s softer feminine side.
Credits: Polyvore
Kristen’s 2010 Best Looks
It’s safe to say Kristen has surprised us all with some of her style choices this year. Below are my 15 of my favourite looks she gave us from 2010.
What was your favourite Kristen looks from the year? Let me know below and to all my readers who continue to visit this blog, myself and Maria wish you a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year. May all your wishes come true in 2011.
Eclipse NYC Screening in Roland Mouret
Scream Awards in GUiSHEM & Oscars in Monique Lhuiller
David Letterman in Hervé Léger by Max Azria & The Runaways NYC Premiere in Emilio Pucci
Eclipse Korean Fan Event in Prabal Gurung & London Fashion Week Burberry Prorsum Fall Show in Burberry Prorsum
‘Welcome to the Rileys’ NYC Premiere in Valentino & Eclipse Sydney Q&A in Jenni Kanye
Eclipse Fan Event, Rome in Marchesa & Eclipse Fan Event, Stockholm in Zac Posen
Eclipse L.A Premiere in Elie Saab & Jimmy Kimmel Eclipse Special in Hervé Léger by Max Azria
The Runaways L.A Premiere in Doo.Ri & Eclipse Press Conference, Berlin in Versace
Credits: Polyvore
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
it was real.
You were my first man. There have been lots of boys, and I loved them in an immature first love kind of way. But you were the first real thing. When we first met at a party, the connection was instant, but you left for the summer and the timing wasn’t right. I thought about you while you were gone, and we kept in touch even though we had only met once. Then you came back, and everything fell into place. It was so easy. One date and that was it. No games. No guessing if you liked me, no decoding your text messages, because I knew. And you knew. We would stay in bed until 4 if neither of us had class, making love, laying, talking, laughing. You were so sweet, and I was so consumed with love and excitement and happiness. I remember telling my friends about you, I couldn’t even think about you without smiling. My parents could tell this was different. Once I overheard my dad telling my uncle that he knew this was real, and how happy he was to see me with someone who treated me the way a dad wants his daughter to be treated. You were always scared that he didn’t like you because you were older, but I think your maturity was part of what he liked about you.
The summer came again, and you had to go away for work. I went home with you before you left, and I remember when you dropped me off at the bus station how scared I was to be without you. I was crying and you were there to wipe the tears away. It was the worst bus ride, all I could do was think about not seeing you for four months. I’ve never missed anyone like I missed you. It really did feel like part of me was missing. I think it was harder for me than for you because you were out on the road, and I was at home living our life only without you there. I missed everything about you. The way you smelled. The way it felt to lie beside you. Your jokes. Your laugh. I felt like I couldn’t laugh without you there. We talked on the phone and on skype, and we tried to keep the intimacy alive even if it was through a computer. It was a long summer, and when it got close to you coming home I was counting down the days. I wasn’t even tempted by other guys, you were all I could think about. I remember the night you got back, and I got rid of my roommates and planned a romantic dinner, and right before you got there I found a mouse in my kitchen. I had planned to jump on you and kiss you the second you walked through the door, and instead you found me terrified and flustered. But it didn’t matter. As soon as you were there it was like you had never left. And we were happy. And a month or so passed, and we did all the things we used to do. And it was perfect.
And then one day I woke up and it wasn’t. I can’t remember when things started to come undone, I don’t think it was any single thing, just our whole world. It was so gradual that I didn’t even notice it happening, but all of a sudden it was there. Or I guess it wasn’t there. The butterflies were gone. I used to hate how you would never fight with me and just let me win instead because I wanted the passion of the anger. Then we fought once. And then again. And then all we did was argue. Over nothing. Over everything. I don’t remember when we stopped making love, but you noticed and it made you insecure. And then we fought about that and it made me insecure. It was like we were going through the motions, nothing really changed except me. I wanted to want you like I used to, but between school and work and life somewhere I lost us. One night we were watching tv and I realized there was almost a foot of space between us. We used to cuddle so much sometimes I couldn’t tell which arms were mine. We talked about it, and we said we would try to make things better, and for a little while we did, but nothing really changed. I think I knew the end was coming, but couldn’t admit it to myself, or to you. Especially not to you. I think you knew too. You said all you needed to be happy was me, but I was the one who was making you hurt. One night we fought for so long, and then I let go of everything and we made love. And it was real, and it was passionate, and it was us. And I thought maybe that would make things better. And then within ten minutes, we were somehow angry again. I think that is when I really knew. Christmas break came, and we hoped the space would give us time to think and to miss each other. We said we would come back in the new year and start fresh. But when I got home, I met someone else. I’d always known him, but never really looked. It was just a crush, not what we had, but it reminded me of all the excitement and butterflies that I wasn’t feeling anymore. It became so obvious that we were done that I could finally say it out loud. At first I only said it to my close friends, and then I realized I had to say it to you. I couldn’t wait till we were together because you were going to spend so much money to travel and see me and I knew I couldn’t ask you to do that. So I called. My stomach was in knots. I tried to plan what to say but as soon as I heard your voice I couldn’t remember. We made small talk, and then I just blurted it out. And once I said it, it was there. I don’t know what I thought you were going to say, but you didn’t say anything. The silence was the worst part. You said you had to go, and that was it. over a year and it was over in 20 seconds. You called me the next day and we said all the things we were too scared to say before. It hurt like hell. It still does. You told me I was giving up on us. I guess I did. But we weren’t really us anymore.
You said you were going to leave town, you only stayed because of me anyways. Hearing you say that made me feel so alone. And I was scared that I would regret this, and you would be gone and it would be too late. I guess I just have to live with that now.
I hope you know I tried. And that I loved you. I really, really loved you, with everything I had. I couldn’t have asked for a better first real love. Im sorry that you got hurt along the way. I hope you don’t think I threw everything away. I think we just outgrew each other. I know it’s going to kill me when you find someone else. Seeing you hold her hand. I used to ask you “what are you thinking about right now?” whenever we were laying in bed. I still wonder. I probably always will.
It was real.
I probably should mention The 7 that I like
Anni ja Meri heittivät siis Beautiful Blogger -haasteen, jossa tehtävänä on kertoa 7 faktaa itestään ja laittaa tämä palkinto eteenpäin 7lle toiselle bloggaajalle. (oon kyl tosi huono tälläsis..)
Ja jotta tästä ei tulis niin ykstoikkosta nin lisäilen aiheeseen liittyviä kuvia ja hieman tarkempia selityksiä~ (ja yritän ettei siellä lukis mitään hei olen tyttö olen suomesta plaaplaaplaaaa.)
4. En tiiä yhtään mitä haluun tulevaisuudessa tehdä tai olla.
from we♥it.com
5. Cute things lovelove♥
Food, people, clothes, everything cute make me feel so.. ;ω; Ostan yleensä aina turhaa rihkamaa jos se on ees jotenkin sulonen. Hyvänä esimerkkinä Keskiseltä tullesani omistan aina yhden Hello Kitty -huulirasvan enemmän, koska niistä saa niitä kännykkäkoruja. xxD
from we♥it.com
from we♥it.com |
6. Tykkään ruuasta. (miks mulle tuli jotenki kauhee olo? xD)
7. Oon aika kova pelaa pleikkaa. ;----)
Vaikka pelaanki ikivanhalla Playstation ykkösellä, nii siihen on kuitenki tehty yksiä maailman parhaimpia pelejä ettei mitään rajaa! Viimeks pelasin läpi Spyro 2, ja olin siitä siks nii ylpee et se oli eka kerta ku pelasin sen alusta loppuun aivan itse. 8) Koska pienempänä se oli sitä 'veli tuu auttamaa en päihitä loppista :(::(:((:(:(::('. asd. ::---D
Siinä se oli, yritän tehdä yhden postauksen enne joulua, koska tapahtuu yhtä sun toista niin en sitten ehdi pariin päivään päivitellä.. ;) Byebye! ♥