Sunday, May 29, 2011

in love quotes for him

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  • dunk321
    Mar 17, 01:00 AM
    When I was in college years ago I use to work at Circuit City, Black Friday, or any major launch of a product the registers were always a mess or came up short. If you were not very smart or had terrible sales skills they placed you as a cashier, if they could pinpoint it the person usually got chilled out by the manager. Hate to say it but good service is gone, and Best Buy has become one of the last of the big box stores, with a majority of not so knowledgeable staff, and ripping people off with there crappy warranties and overpriced products. It's always a last resort in my book if you absolutely must have something that minute and it's your only option.

    in love quotes for him. love quotes for him and her.
  • love quotes for him and her.

  • fivepoint
    Mar 4, 10:57 AM
    Collective bargaining is a legislative privilege granted by friendly law makers in some localities which can be quickly and abruptly eliminated (as you've all just observed.)
    How? Without the union, bad teachers would presumably be fired, but how would this raise wages directly or indirectly?

    There are a million ways to increase the wages of good teachers. Make the system operate like any good business where the quality employees get promoted and the worthless employees get fired to make room for new ones. Look at the system that was attempted in D.C. which would have allowed teachers to OPT IN to a system which would measure them based on performance for the opportunity to get double the salary, or stay in their current situation. The union (even though there was no down-side) wouldn't even vote on the proposal so that they could maintain the status quo and prevent management from making changes to improve the school system. Who loses out in the end? Students and taxpayers.

    Firing incompetent teachers sounds like a great idea, but it doesn't require unions to be disbanded to achieve. The British teachers unions aren't that strong, and still we have huge problems getting rid of poor teachers.

    Jail time for strikers is bizarre and totally unacceptable.

    Additionally there is no way you can claim that it is a "individual liberty" position to hold to be for jailing strikers.

    Unfortunately, it does.
    I think public unions should not exist, so there should be no concern of fines or jail time for striking public-sector unions.

    I'm sorry, but I just have to smile at some of this. It manages to be self-contradictory and over the top, all in just nine words. I could almost see you waving your pom-pons while you wrote it.

    Sorry, but you guys are self-destructing, and while it's painful to watch what you're doing to the economy and to good, hard-working people, at least we're seeing you implode in ways far greater than we'd ever dreamed. Keep watching those polls. You're doing everything you can to help the Democrats in 2012.

    Oh, and please stop getting tea stains all over my flag.

    Keep talking Veil, 2010 was just the 'coming attractions.'

    Ahh, but if it is OK for the Republican Party to "sweep the states clean" you better keep your mouth shut when their actions here result in Democratic majorities and we sweep collective bargaining into a national right and make collective bargaining a far easier thing to obtain and make it a criminal act for any business or business owner to interfer with employees rights to organize unions. You're using your "friendly lawmakers" to launch a sneak attack on unions. Don't be surprised when this bites you in the butt.

    (edit) In case anyone thinks I have said anything mean about FP's wife, keep in mind the only thing I know about her is that she's a teacher in a union.

    Just proves you know nothing about my wife. Proudly, she's not in the union.
    BTW, public employees do not have the RIGHT to unionize. As stated before, it was made temporarily legal by union-friendly legislators. This gift can be taken away at any time. It's not a right. I'm sorry you don't realize this FACT.

    So why is your wife part of the Union? Why doesn't she listen to your wise ideas and go make more money in a private school? If she's really a good teacher then she should be able to according to your logic.

    She isn't. In addition to teaching at a public school, she also teaches at several fine private graduate level universities. Also, she's making tremendous progress on several entrepreneurial ventures as well. She's the type of person any organization would be incredibly lucky to have... smart, hard working and passionate. She loves teaching, but unfortunately to leave your career exclusively up to the public school system and the union atmosphere would mean that even after 20 years of incredibly hard work you'd still be getting paid as the horrible lazy teacher next door who'd only similarity to you is the fact that they've been there for the same 20 years. What a joke. That's why real professionals, talented individuals with a ton to offer, rarely stay exclusively in teaching for their entire career. There's no future in it. The unions have caused this... their undying focus on 'fairness', their unwillingness to allow the firing of bad teachers, and and their focus on compensation based on longevity are all working together to kill our school systems, that much is certain.

    in love quotes for him. in love quotes for him. love
  • in love quotes for him. love

  • bob67
    Sep 12, 07:28 AM
    can we confim the what countrys itunes stores are down ?

    usa/uk ...

    german store is down too

    in love quotes for him. in love quotes for him. love
  • in love quotes for him. love

  • err404
    May 2, 09:41 AM
    I'm glad that Apple listened to the user demand for this change, despite their feeling that this wasn't a big deal. They could have just as easily ignored the issue saying that it is functioning as intended.


    in love quotes for him. love quotes for him pics. love
  • love quotes for him pics. love

  • dont24
    Nov 24, 11:50 AM
    if i buy .mac today, will the 360 days start now or when my brother actually inserts the disk and creates a name etc
    It starts whenever your bro activates it. Not from the date of purshase.

    in love quotes for him. love quotes for him and
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  • Carouser
    Mar 17, 12:30 PM
    I think its the kid's responsibility here. The OP had every intention of paying for his purchase, but the cashier dropped the ball big time. When you take on a job, you assume the responsibilities that come with it. Making a mistake that big will have consequences. I would hate to have someone that makes mistakes like that working for me.

    In other words, you think if someone else makes a mistake and you find out about it, there is zero problem with exploiting that mistake and bragging about it, it's totally free and clear. I would hate to have someone with an attitude like that employing other people.

    Maybe one day someone can take advantage of your spouse or grandmother; I'm sure you'll be first in line to tell them it was their fault for making a mistake in the first place (which every person in the world does; that's why they're called 'mistakes').

    The OP 'had every intention of paying for his purchase' until he knew he could get away with not paying for it.


    in love quotes for him. love quotes him. short
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  • tofagerl
    Apr 29, 01:18 PM
    Can I possible take the power, and switch the magic with something else? Like pizzazz, or awesomeness or something?

    in love quotes for him. sad love quotes for him
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  • zelmo
    Jan 10, 04:01 PM
    That childish prank is close to the kind of thing that Woz pulled in college, so I can appreciate the humor on one level. The problem is that this was done at a trade show and is completely unacceptable behavior for any group passing themselves off as professional journalists or industry bloggers who wish to be taken seriously.

    If I were CES management, I'd ban them for life. Can't imagine Apple will let them anywhere near Moscone.


    in love quotes for him. paladin wallpaper, Sad
  • paladin wallpaper, Sad

  • Cougarcat
    May 2, 01:31 PM
    I have been playing with the Lion Preview for a few weeks, on and off, and I am not liking what I see.

    I like the minimalist look, to some extent. It feels very clean and Jobsian, but I feel like many of the features I rely on have been changed. For example:

    in love quotes for him. in love quotes for him. love
  • in love quotes for him. love

  • Illuminated
    Apr 6, 12:48 PM
    You'd pair food with a trash can? :confused:

    Maybe for you...

    Um, a brand new trash can. Plus you would have to burn inside of the trashcan first...pretty much build a fire inside it using coals and wood.


    in love quotes for him. in love quotes for him. love
  • in love quotes for him. love

  • tvguru
    Sep 12, 08:45 AM
    I reckon Wool-on-gong (spelt Wollongong) is waaay easier to say than Okanagan or Saskatchewan. And yes, I say Saskatchewan properly.

    Those are easier for me because I grew up with them. I can't even say the name of my street right in this country. :P Terowi, like what's that?

    Anyways I degrees, this update better be for all stores since they are all down otherwise it'll be the first of a few disappointments of the evening.

    Yes there will be disappointments we always shoot to high and feel cheated.

    in love quotes for him. love quotes for him from her.
  • love quotes for him from her.

  • thequicksilver
    Jan 5, 07:48 PM
    If it was live you wouldnt get all the split screen editing etc. It would be quite a linear and boring presentation.

    Editing the feed can give emphasis to certain aspects and also cut out anything that goes wrong.

    Believe it or not this isn't the case. I was at the Paris Expo in 2004 sat directly behind the video editing booth in the middle of the hall with a clear view of the editor's screen. The split screens and the like were prepared one slide in advance and all was done as it went along.

    I was one of the first few outside of Apple to see the new iMac G5, about 30 seconds in front of everyone else. :)


    in love quotes for him. love quotes for him in spanish
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  • rhett7660
    Apr 21, 12:09 PM
    Could have been worse guys, they could have put in a Facebook "Like" button. :D

    They actually one upped Facebook. We also have a dislike button!

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  • quigleybc
    Oct 3, 01:07 PM
    Here are my predictions (hold on to your pocket-protectors):

    Steve will enter the stage, the crowd will go wild, and he'll work on quieting them with lines such as, "I'd like to get started; we have a lot of great products I'd like to show you..."

    We'll all proceed to connect to MacRumors and complain about how ****** stupid Apple is, yet continue buy every new release of anything they've ever produced.

    Ya, that might happen, but last year he brought out the MBP which a pretty big announcement, so I'm hoping for good results again this year.

    Like maybe a 12" MPB ? or a normal priced Black MacBook...


    in love quotes for him. cute quotes about him. cute
  • cute quotes about him. cute

  • GeeYouEye
    Apr 25, 02:13 AM
    Excellent! Although I think some are underestimating the utility of negative ratings in increasing the SNR of the forums. I can't tell you how many times I've read through a thread (especially a front page-based thread) with factual errors that no one catches for pages and while other folks speculate wildly based on that, and then others go into hysterics over the speculation and on and on... it gets ugly

    A few points:

    Does this use the vB reputation system? If so, I recommend the Public Display of Affection plugin if you're going to change things to show who up/downvoted. PDA was (last I checked) not explicitly compatible with 3.8.x, but I've got it running (see sig) on 3.8.1. (If you're not using the vB rep system, why not? You can hide the pips entirely, although my forum finds them useful, to judge the credibility of who's agreeing/disagreeing)

    Seconding the comment about the style... the buttons just look... off somehow.

    Definitely do NOT hide posts based on downvotes. It just doesn't work for forums. Comments, yes, forums, no. The number should just help speed up recognition of good and bad posts as such, not be a filter for them.

    Not sure if I like the one-click interface. Using the regular vB rep controls requires 2 clicks (three, if you don't disable that damned JS alert) to give rep. It's a slightly greater commitment, which gives people a second to think before downvoting. On the other hand, it's one-click on reddit too, and I haven't up or downvoted every post and comment... it's a tossup.

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  • Westside guy
    Oct 28, 05:07 PM
    Well, stuff like iScroll2 - the two-finger scrolling hack for older Macs like my Powerbook - was able to be developed because of freely-accessible Darwin source code. I'd imagine the tun/tap 3rd party virtual devices + drivers (needed by openvpn) also wouldn't have been feasible if the developer couldn't get at the kernel source.

    Right now the osx86 project is of little interest to the public at large, since it's not like you get a box that is particularly useful to someone that doesn't want to tweak incessantly (sound may or may not work, networking may not work, printing may not work, etc.). But I imagine Apple wants to keep forcing them to re-solve the basic functionality issues over and over, so they don't get to the point where the average user would actually find it worthwhile to investigate this.


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  • m-dogg
    Nov 24, 09:01 AM
    I buy my annual .mac subscription today when it's on sale. Doesn't actually renew until January...

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  • ironsienna
    Apr 30, 08:44 AM
    The Graphics design artist in me just had an aneurysm.

    And what is exactly your point? The specific app is not intended to be a part of the OS interface. It is using a more immersed, recreational interface, which makes it fun to use. (Have a look on the review here to see what I mean:�-led-flashlight-for-iphone-4-review/ ) Users enjoy the animations and sound effects. They are using it for the whole experience, not just for the usability of it.

    On the other hand, OS interfaces are belonging to a different category. And although there is a trend to make the native OS apps more immersive (take as an example the new iCal. It uses an interface that tries to emulate a real object, a real leather Calendar), users could have given the option to switch between a more abstract UI style. The main reason of using native OS apps (such as ical, mail, etc) is more task centred rather than experience oriented. The ideal would be not using any interface at all and just have a personal assistant do all the hard work for us accepting voice commands. Hopefully we are not far away from something like that though�

    It is interesting to notice that there are two different trends for the interface design criteria of the OS apps. Two different schools. One is the school of immersive interface, such as iCal, garageBand for iPad, iMovie for the iPhone with all the eye candy on the movie selection menu. The other is the minimalistic approach: the new Mail interface, the iPhoto, e.t.c. It is as there are two different interface design teams working in parallel, doing their experiments on UI usability, each following a different direction.

    A bit out of topic though!! Lets get back to the slider conversation!!

    in love quotes for him. Love Quotes For Him Album
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  • mif
    Apr 11, 10:18 PM
    Tinchy Stryder - Catch 22

    Apr 5, 08:08 PM
    one hell of a story man
    hope u find it

    Nov 23, 11:11 PM
    I voted positive.

    This is real news so page 1 makes sense.

    This is of interest to far more people than some news items, as many people shift purchases from November and December to black Friday to take advantage of the paultry 10% savings. Some people are just cheap.

    Let's not forget the MacBook C2D and MacBookPro 17 C2D and Shuffle are at the beginning of their --available-- product cycles, so some people might have only shifted buying a couple of weeks on those items.

    I doubt Apple will release sales figures so we can judge, but one thing is for sure. This black friday practice of Apple is widely known, there are for more stores now, and far more new, recent, and exciting products it applies to than ever before.

    I suggest it just might rock!


    Apr 14, 03:41 PM
    My son, then two, was pulled aside by "random" secondary screening in 2005 at Ontario airport in SoCal. I wasn't too upset, because nothing inappropriate (other than the absurdity of checking a two-year-old) was done, but was struck by the waste of time. And lest anyone think we were profiled, we are both obviously white, with English-sounding names, traveling on round-trip tickets.

    Apr 27, 08:24 PM
    How do you count your elapsed ? Again, NSTimer is simply an object inserted into the run loop. It has no conception of elapsed time beyond its own internal interval.

    What methods are being called and by what ? What is the code to those methods ?

    You have posted bit and pieces all over the thread, why not just post a readable, compilable example of everything you have that can help us reproduce or see your actual problem ?

    Apr 7, 06:25 AM

    That is too funny!

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