Sunday, May 29, 2011

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  • kuwisdelu
    Apr 12, 06:07 PM
    All the Windows 7 I use are campus installs, so since they're not configurable, I haven't really looked around the settings. Does Windows have virtual desktops yet?

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  • John Purple
    Jan 15, 03:40 PM
    Not overly excited about the keynote.

    Yes, which is why the $20 iPod touch apps update is �12.99 over here, instead of �10.20 which is what the exchange rate demands. Even with some made up tax, it's another example of "rip-off Britain".

    It's even worse on the continent: EUR 2,268 excl. VAT in Germany which equals $ 3,356 for a standard MBP 17" (US store: $ 2,799)

    BTW $ 2,112 excl. VAT for MBA in Europe !!! Ridiculous.

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  • BenRoethig
    Oct 2, 07:14 PM
    I'm surprised how many people are interpreting this wrong.

    The point of this is that Amazon can go to this new company and license Fairplay-compatable DRM. That way they can sell movies/music on their website (Unbox) and sell it with DRM that is iPod/iTV/iTunes Compatible.

    This could mean, for example, Napster could be iTunes/iPod compatible.

    Or Vongo (unlimited movie downloads $9.95/month) could be iPod compatible.

    Personally, I'm not sure how long it will go. Either Apple will shut them down (if legally capable) or simply start licensing Fairplay themselves and cut out the middleman (which could be an inadvertant positive result of this effort)


    [edit: as pointed out below, this is probably not possible]
    Microsoft licenses it so Zune can play iTunes Music/Movie store content. That could be a huge boost for Zune.


    Exactly my point. If windows iPod users could transfer their iPod media to Zune and Windows media player, it would be a huge plus for them. Remember, most iPod owners don't belong to the church of Mac. We already know they are more than willing to live outside accepted ethics if it suits them.

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  • lordonuthin
    Aug 16, 06:21 PM
    well here's something weird going on. when i stand my computer up, the temps go up. and when i lay it down, they go back down. here is a youtube video of it. (

    but i do have a theory. the only thing i can think of is the cpu cooler isn't air tight, even though i screwed it as tight as i could. oh well, i guess i'll check it laid down

    That is weird :confused:


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  • MistaBungle
    Apr 8, 07:07 PM
    I wonder if this "delay from the vendor" could be somehow tied into the possibly of that MobileMe announcement that seems to be ever so pending.

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  • AmbitiousLemon
    Nov 16, 01:48 PM
    I don't know where this assertion that AMD are rubbish comes from.

    Agreed. AMD has traditionally been significantly faster and cheaper than Intel. Further more it is only AMD's huge performance lead that woke Intel up enough to drop the mhz myth, accept multi-core as the future, and start making decent processors again.

    It just so happens that we are at a very unusual point in time where AMD currently has neither a performance nor price advantage over Intel, but these things can change very fast (as the past few months have shown).

    All that said, the facts that this rumor is based upon do in no way lead to the conclusion that Apple is considering using AMD processors, and further it probably wouldn't work well into Apple's current product line-up and marketing strategy to switch to AMD at this time.


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  • ECUpirate44
    May 2, 09:42 AM
    y u no like bugfixes?

    Do we even know if this update is also for the Verizon iPhone or just the AT&T? And no, bug fixes cover up my jailbreak.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 29, 04:09 PM
    I heard microsoft is making some changes to its next OS release too. Apparently the blue screen of death will be a black screen of death in Windows 8.

    btw- does anyone know why the current version is named Windows 7? Why 7?

    As for Lion, I am looking forward to having the ability to switch to an iOS appearance for apps. It will be nice to organize then like that. The idea has grown on me.


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  • notjustjay
    Mar 7, 01:06 AM
    I think there are a lot of factors at play here.

    One is that virtually every other company not only has to compete with Apple, but with each other. So they have to cram the most features and specs they can into a product, while making as cheap as they possibly can, in order to stay competitive.

    For example, take a MacBook Pro, and find ways to make it cheaper: Well, we can replace the unibody aluminum with a plastic shell. We could remove the backlit keyboard. We could replace the glass touchpad with a cheaper part. Take out the Firewire port. Hey, look what's left: a cheap laptop. Everyone tries to get it cheaper and cheaper so they can outsell the other guys. Meanwhile, Apple puts in whatever they want and charges whatever they want, because they've built themselves up a position where they know people will still go ahead and pay it.

    Also, because of the tight competition, companies are afraid to take risks. Remember when the USB por had just been introduced? This was a real chicken and egg situation for PC makers. No PC maker wants to be the first to switch to all USB ports because (a) it will cost more money to put the new ports into the board, and (b) they know it will annoy customers who will have to buy all peripherals. Customers will simply buy the competing brand because it's cheaper. Now, someone eventually sells a PC with both USB and PS/2 ports so you can slowly start the upgrade trend, but it's slow for all the above reasons.

    Same for the floppy drive: nobody wants to be the first to ship without one. It would be seen as being "too different" and cause lost sales to the competition.

    Then comes Apple with the iMac and its all-USB ports and no floppy. You want an iMac? You're getting USB. You're getting no floppy drive. There's simply no choice about it. There's no competition, either, and Apple is already known for being more expensive so that's not even a factor. Apple decides they want to push the standard forward, and frankly you have no real choice about it (if you intend to stick to Apple).

    Then the market opens up (for USB) or perception changes (it's OK to not have a floppy drive) or Apple defines something cool that people copycat, and in all cases Apple's marketing engine claims credit for changing the industry. Repeat something enough times and everyone starts to believe it...

    And, to be honest, there's also lots of confirmation bias going on.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 28, 09:42 AM
    So, please don't take everything I typed and generalize it, because it's not for everyone.

    I do understand where Dejo, Balamw and the others are coming from though. And frankly, they are probably better suited to help you than I am. I don't have a lot of experience with Objective-C and Cocoa, not like they do, having mostly come into it recently.

    Back to the code, here is a photo of my connections (ignore canceBigtimer). What you say is true I don't know how NSTimer works entirely , just some parts, I realize that and it is one of the reason I postpone my timer for a future update (need to study it).

    I have two timers, because, like I said.. I don't have full knowledge of timers. I know now that 1 timer is enough, even if I use two timers and start them at the same time, the log only shows 1 loop and the countdown in separate labels show e.g. 59 in one and 58 in another and so on.

    Ok, how about we work on making 1 timer work then ? The code you posted is very complicated and I don't think it has to be this complicated. Going 1 timer would simplify this.

    I see your Start Button is associated to 3 actions. Is this really what you want ? Let's simplify this. As an exercise, make 1 method, call it startTimer (like I did) and have only that action associated with your start button. From there, you can call the other methods yourself as needed.

    Once you have modified the code in this way, post again what you have in full, what it is doing and what you think it should be doing. We'll go from there.

    You mention my two global variables, It makes sense that the timer does not stop because the variables are outside the method that creates the timer. is that whats going on?

    No, the variables are "fine" where they are. They would be better positionned in the @interface block and declared as instance variables, but implementation scope globals work too.

    What you need to do however is reset those if you want your timer to start back at 0. Somewhere in your "stop/reset" code, there needs to be an initialization of those back to 0 :

    seconds = 0;
    minutes = 0;

    If your Cancel button is what should reset it, then this should be right now in newActionTimer. But ideally, we'll get rid of that function when you simplify the code down to 1 timer.

    Look at my NSLog outputs in my screenshot earlier. There's 3 methods there. updateLabel, cancelTimer, startTimer. This should have given you a big indication of how not complicated you should have made this.

    If you want 3 buttons, start, reset, stop, you'd technically need 4 methods, as follows :

    -(IBAction) startTimer: (id) sender;
    -(IBAction) stopTimer: (id) sender;
    -(IBAction) resetTimer: (id) sender;
    -(void) updateLabel;

    One to update the label as needed, one to start the timer, one to stop it and one to reset it.

    Also, NSTimer is not your timer. The timer is what you are creating with ATimerViewController. You need to grasp this. NSTimer simply calls methods, in this case, it should be update label. That's about all it should be doing. Both the stop and reset methods should release the NSTimer object instance. startTimer should always create a new one. However, reset should be the one to set back seconds/minutes to 0.


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  • marksman
    May 3, 04:56 PM
    Ok, I'm taking down the names of all the carrier defenders here.

    The next time you people bitch about the cable companies or magazine publishers charging you twice for the "one" thing you paid for I'm gonna be all over you.

    It is not a matter of being a carrier defender.

    It is a matter of being a carrier customer who does not want to have to pay more for their service because people want to steal tethering service.

    Nobody is charging you twice for one thing here.

    You are paying to use data on your mobile device. If you want to use it to link up other devices, there is a separate service for that.

    This is not exactly brain surgery here.

    I'd agree with you that there may be consideration with unlimited data plans as you might be using your phone outside the scope of what they initially envisioned when they offered you unlimited data, but those are largely a thing of the past now.

    With regards to tiered pricing, what you're suggesting is that you're not entitled to the data you paid for should you choose to use some of it for tethering. If you paid for 2 GB a month, you can damn well get 2 GB a month. 2 GB a month was the consideration they offered you. It's none of your concern if the carrier sold it to you with the assumption that you'd only use 500 MB a month. They can't charge you more because your tethering makes you more likely to approach the 2 GB cap they offered you.

    Sure they can.. For one they can just raise the price. They never sold you the data to be used with tethering in the first place. They sold you data to be used strictly with your registered mobile device. That is clearly outlined in the contract you signed with them. It is crystal clear.

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  • Aniej
    Jan 5, 04:11 PM
    I didn't see any replies to my idea about posting a counter to tick of the DD:HH:MM:SS until climax, I mean Keynote.;) Usually I take that as a bad sign, but you know how you all get when you have blue b..., you can't think straight. So is this idea worth pursuing, kinda like the widgets available, but might be nice to have directly tied to the link with no spoilers.


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  • Much Ado
    Jan 9, 01:18 PM
    This is getting unbearable now. It's all happened, and i don't know what! Such a test of our resolve and patience...

    How much longer is the wait usually?


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  • stoid
    Aug 7, 08:18 PM
    making the acds a higher resolution definitely means that there will be new ones soon just like the powerbooks screen before the macbook pro

    Well then I guess it's awhile until we get new ACDs then, since the resolution stayed the same.


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  • croasmun
    Oct 2, 03:11 PM
    Since when is Apple not a litigious company?

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  • vincebio
    Apr 5, 03:57 PM
    just when we thought they couldnt ever beat their Apple's biggest flop....this comes along.

    nobody will download this.....surely:D


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  • blahblah100
    Mar 28, 02:40 PM
    Of course, all the HATERS will cry foul.

    Kanye? I didn't know Kanye West posted on this forum.

    P.S. Your music sucks. Also, what you did to Taylor Swift was out of line.

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  • petvas
    Oct 29, 02:10 AM
    Logic Pro 7 has yet to be cracked, so Apple has people who know how to do copyright protection. I suspect Leopard will employ very strong TPM integration compared to Tiger.

    Well, Logic Pro 7 has been cracked and can be downloaded via usenet...

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  • relimw
    Sep 25, 02:34 PM
    Look at the new requirements page...

    Apple must have tweaked it VERY much. Will make it available to more people based on the new hardware and expanded video support.

    Even the NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra and Intel Mac Mini.
    And it still won't run on my G4 mini :p Well, at least more people will be able to make use of :) And since you didn't ask, yes I use my mini as just a quick check system, which works fine with Lightroom. I suppose since I own Aperture, and this is a free update, I'll try it on my Mac Pro :)

    Apr 11, 03:47 PM
    I am still in the middle of setting everything up and the monitor for example is not even out of the box yet...just been really busy. Hopefully in about 1 month's time I can share. Sorry :(I look forward to seeing it.:o

    Jan 9, 09:17 AM
    Okay here goes:

    - Movie rentals in HD
    - Updated Apple TV software and new higher capacity drive available. Download/Stream (you watch while still downloading) film straight to Apple TV.
    - DVDs ability to copy over film to mac.

    - Refresh MacBook Pro line - New processors, new keyboard, updated look
    - MacBook Pro small version - A pro line like the 12inch Powerbook was. Flash memory, External CD drive (who needs one anyway?)
    - All with Track Anywhere pads (The traditional trackpad is no more with an invisible pad underneath the surface of the laptop) - you can click anywhere and drag anywhere..and it will ignore palms.

    - No changes to iPod or iPhone hardware
    - Introducing a few new third party apps for the iPhone - Maybe a dictionary, translation tool, wikipedia app.
    - Announce 3rd party sdk - ready to take-away today

    - No changes to MacBook line, although may add the Track Anywhere pad, update processors, screen.

    - No more Mac Mini

    - New cinema displays with iSight and IR (glossy?..hope not!)

    Thats It!

    Apr 5, 04:45 PM
    I think Apple knew what they were doing. I think they may integrate this with Ping (worst thing ever), like 'PersonX likes the same music as you and also likes AdvertY' as some sort of viral marketing.

    They will get paid a lot of money by the advertisers using it and the advertisers will get valuable information back like how many people favourited certain ads gaining valuable information about the market and how to create better adverts.

    I still think it's a stupid idea, but whatever floats your boat.

    Sep 12, 08:45 AM
    Ergh, that page has been like that for about 2 years or more. So has

    Nothing to see, move along.

    I hate threads like this, just constantly answering the same questions over and over because people won't read the thread.

    Same with

    Sep 25, 11:07 AM
    So how many people rated the news of Aperture being updated as negative just because you whiners didn't get what you wanted, i.e. a different product release? Huh?

    Get over yourselves. Not every Apple event is about what you want. As a photographer this is great news, not "ok" news or even "bad" news. As an Apple users it's decent news because Apple is growing and developing.


    I would have liked to see some performance gains from the software. Perhaps they are there, they just weren't mentioned.


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